Sending the right message: our handy guide to peak customer comms

The more informed a customer is on their order status, the better their experience will be. Use our templates on delivery information, tracking, parcel lockers and more to keep your customer comms up to date this peak season.

Key points

  • Keeping your customers informed about their order status will help ensure a great delivery experience. 
  • 91% of customers track their deliveries and 20% make buying decisions based on delivery options.
  • Use our guide to keep your website and customer emails up to date, with handy templates outlining what delivery and tracking info to share with them, and when.  

Getting the balance right in customer communications

As a retailer, ensuring happy customers is usually your top priority – especially during peak season. And one thing that can have a real impact on their experience is how you communication with them. 

Communicate too often and it might put some customers off, but not often enough and they might start wondering what’s happening with their order. This can lead to increased calls, messages and emails to your customer service teams, causing delays during a busy time. 

Finding that sweet spot – one that leaves customers feeling confident and reassured – is so important. So is knowing exactly what to tell them, and when. 

That’s why we’ve developed this Messaging Guide for eCommerce Merchants. It contains handy templates you can copy directly into your own customer comms – and when in the customer journey to share it. 

What’s included in this guide? 

With delivery the final step in the shopping journey, it’s important to set clear expectations with shoppers around delivery estimates, when their orders are sent and how to track them. 91% of shoppers tell us they track their orders, while 20% will make buying decisions based on delivery options available to them.1 So, calling out that you offer Express or next day shipping matters. 

The guide has information on: 

  • Australia Post domestic and international delivery estimates.
  • How to track an order. 
  • How collection points work, and more. 

Plus, it’s formatted to be used in different channels, for example on your checkout page - where the message is brief and to the point, or on your FAQs page – where you can go into a little more detail. 

How can it help your business during peak season? 

1. The Power of Consistency

Consistency is key when it comes to communicating with your customers. By using this Messaging Guide, you can be sure you’re using clear, simple language that is consistent with Australia Post delivery information and can be standardised across many of your own touchpoints – from emails to social media and website FAQs. 

2. A time-saver 

Anything that you can take off your plate – especially if you’re a small business owner wearing multiple hats at once for your eCommerce store – is a win. Using this guide, you have access to pre-written templates that are ready to use. This will also reduce the likelihood of errors or typos. And, with pre-designed templates, you’ll be able to respond to common delivery-related enquiries such as “how can I track my order?” or “do you ship internationally?” faster. 

3. Improve trust and credibility

Improving the accuracy and quality of your customer communications will help customers trust your business, while letting them know you ship with Australia Post also reassures them you work with a trusted and reliable delivery partner for their goods. 

How can it impact the shopping experience for customers? 

1. Make the best choices 

Detailing all the options available at checkout (or before), including estimated delivery times, allows customers to make the best choice for their needs. It all helps to deliver a positive shopping experience. 

2. Manage their expectations 

Shoppers want open and transparent communication with the brands they’re shopping from, not spin or ambitious targets you’re unlikely to reach. In fact, 57% of shoppers say certainty around when their delivery would arrive was more important than getting it quickly.2 So, sharing the important delivery info upfront helps them know – realistically - when to expect their items. 

3. Have the best possible delivery experience 

A great customer experience is what will bring customers back to your store again and again. Everything you’ve provided to shoppers from the guide – including making it easy to find and simple to understand, will help them have a great one. Plus, it reduces their need to contact you at any point after placing their order. 

Ready to get started?

In today's competitive eCommerce landscape, effective communication is not just a nice-to-have; it's a necessity. Our Messaging Guide is a handy tool to help your business communicate more efficiently, consistently and personally with your customers, while enhancing their overall experience, building trust and loyalty. 

To make a start, simply refer to the messaging templates in the guide and take the pressure off – even if just a little - this peak season.

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1 Peak Playbook, 2023 Australia Post 

2 Consumer Parcel Receivers Survey, AP, 2022