1 Track events will vary depending on the service used and how your item is lodged and delivered. Learn more about our tracking service.
2 Our redirection service is only available for parcels in transit when the sender has included your registered email address, mobile phone number or Australia Post customer number in the shipping information they’ve given us, and that have been addressed to a street address. Changing your delivery address may result in a delay in delivery, depending on the location.
3 Terms and conditions apply. The option to have parcel left in a safe place will only be available if the sender has agreed to allow it. This applies to parcels in transit and addressed to a street address. Additionally, the shipping information provided by the sender must include registered email address, mobile number, or other details that allow us to match the parcel to the receiver’s MyPost account. Learn more about having your parcel left in a safe place.
4 Terms, conditions and collection time limits apply. You have 48 hours to collect your parcel from a Parcel Locker, 10 business days to collect from a participating Parcel Collect (Post Office) location, and 30 days from a PO Box. Size limits apply. View full terms and conditions.