Mail redirection and mail hold services

If you’re going away or moving within Australia or overseas2, we can manage your letters and parcels with our mail redirection and mail hold services. You can extend, alter or cancel your service online or at the Post Office.

For business customers, you can view our mail redirection and mail hold services for business.

Update your mail redirection and mail hold services

Depending on the service, you can apply to extend, alter or cancel your mail redirection or mail hold service online or at your local Post Office.

Read the mail redirection and mail hold terms and conditions and how we're protecting your privacy.

1 Terms, conditions and collection time limits apply.

2 You must apply for International mail redirection at the Post Office. Some mail can't be redirected overseas, including Registered Post, Cash on Delivery, Parcel Post, Express Post and items which require customs documentation. We are not able to redirect mail from an overseas address to an Australian address. Please refer to the local postal service in the country you would like your mail redirected from.