Mail hold service

Mail hold ensures your letters and parcels are securely stored by Australia Post. When your service ends, your mail is delivered as addressed on the next business day or as soon as possible.

  • Choose a timeframe from 1 week to 12 months for your letters and parcels to be held.
  • Include up to 6 names on your application (e.g. people you live with, your legal name before marriage, chosen English name or alias).
  • Easily extend, alter or cancel your service.
  • Apply for concession service if you have a valid concession card.

Choose from 3 mail hold options

Are you a business customer?

Personal mail hold

Mail hold prices
Applicant First week Additional weeks

First week


Additional weeks


Concession mail hold

Mail hold prices
Applicant First week Additional weeks

First week


Additional weeks


Home office mail hold

Mail hold prices
Applicant Flat monthly fee
Home office

Flat monthly fee


Read the mail redirection and mail hold terms and conditions and how we're protecting your privacy.

1 Price is for 1 week at the relevant rate.

2 If the application form is for multiple persons at the same address, a valid concession card must be produced for each individual to gain a concession for the service.

3 Price is per month at the relevant rate.

4 Apply for Home office at the Post Office.