Calculate the cost and time to send your item

Use our online calculator to estimate the postage price and delivery time to send your letter or parcel within Australia or overseas. If you need more assistance, visit your local Post Office and talk to our friendly team.

Delivery speeds and coverage within Australia

Delivery times vary depending on the delivery speed you choose, and where you’re sending from, and where you’re sending to.

Service Delivery speed Coverage
Parcel Post

Delivery speed

Same state: 2-4 business days1

Interstate: 3-6 business days1



Express Post parcels and Express Post letters

Delivery speed

Same state: 1-2+ business days2

Interstate: 1-3+ business days



Regular letters

Delivery speed

Same state: 3-5 business days1

Interstate: 4-7 business days1



Priority letters

Delivery speed

Same state: Up to 3 business days1


Interstate: Up to 4 business days1



Sending an item overseas?

Get estimated international delivery times and find out which countries are currently accepting deliveries.

Choose the right delivery service

To help you choose the appropriate delivery service and postage price for your item, use our online calculator, download our Post Charges Booklet or visit your local Post Office.

Express Post next business day delivery network postcodes

Express Post next business day delivery2 is only available within the Express Post next business day delivery network.  Depending on where you are posting from, Express Post next business day delivery may be available to the below postcodes. To check eligibility, enter the postcodes you’re sending from and to in our Postage Calculator.



Eligible postcodes


Eligible postcodes

0200-0250, 2600-2620, 2900-2914


Eligible postcodes

1000-1920, 2000-2249, 2555-2574, 2740-2786


Eligible postcodes

3000-3207, 3340-3341, 3750, 3755-3757, 8000-8785


Eligible postcodes

4000-4209, 9016-9019

Gold Coast

Eligible postcodes

2484-2490, 4210-4275, 9726


Eligible postcodes

5000-5171, 5800-5950

Perth CBD3

Postcode range(s)

6000-6005, 6800-6899


Postcode range(s)

7000-7019, 7050-7053, 7055, 7248-7251, 7253, 7258, 7261, 7267, 7275-7300, 7306, 73104, 7311-7315, 7320-7322, 7325, 7800-7899

In addition to these postcodes, you can get next business day delivery to additional postcodes within the same state or territory where you lodge your Express Post item. If you're sending outside of the postcodes in the table, you can use our online calculator to calculate the postage cost and delivery time for your Express Post item.

Are you a business customer?

Ship parcels or mail letters to your customers, with our innovative sending solutions.

1 While we endeavour to meet this timetable, the actual delivery speed will depend on where in each state/territory the item is being posted from/to, and the level of congestion in our delivery network at the relevant time. All delivery times are based on the number of business days items take to arrive following the day of posting. See delivery times for specific routes.

2 Next business day delivery is only available within the Express Post next business day delivery network. The national next business day delivery network operates between capital cities (excluding Darwin; and for Perth, delivery into the CBD only) and some major centres. Express eParcel is not covered in the Express Post guarantee. 

3 Deliveries in Perth CBD only (Perth CBD not included for lodgements).

4 Devonport township only.