Send urgent letters overseas with our Express service

This is one of our fastest letter sending services. You can post your urgent letters or documents in an International Express prepaid envelope or use your own packaging. You can also use an International Express prepaid satchel. All International Express items must be lodged with a CN23 customs form

For a faster service, you can send your letters or documents with our International Courier service to select destinations.

Letters sent overseas can only contain printed material with no commercial value. If your letter is larger than our maximum size and weight, it will be considered a parcel.

Service Express letters and documents
Delivery time

3-6 business days1

View international delivery times and service updates for more information

Weight Up to 500g

Medium (C4) up to 250g: 229 x 324mm

Large (B4+) up to 500g: 290 x 390mm

Your own envelope - check International letter size guide


Signature on Delivery2

Tracking - including SMS and email notifications3

Optional extras If your item is valued over $100, we recommend you purchase Extra Cover.4
Required customs forms CN23 customs form
Posting Any Post Office, or yellow street posting box if lodged online with a free MyPost account.
Prices International Express letter prices

Envelope options

Post your letters or documents in an International Express prepaid envelope or use your own envelope. You can also use an International Express prepaid satchel
