
  1. Create a new shipment by clicking + New and choosing Shipment. Fill out the form and save your shipment.
  2. From the Shipments list, select your shipment and click Print labels.
    Printing your labels also moves your shipment to the Ready to despatch tab.
  3. From the Ready to despatch tab, select your shipment and click Despatch. This opens the Despatch summary page.
    Check that all your information is correct, then click Manifest & print to print your Manifest summary (called an Order Summary Report).
  4. Book a pickup, wait for your booked pickup, or drop off your shipment at the
lodgement facility shown on your manifest.
Make sure to include your manifest summary with your shipment.

Creating and sending a shipment with Parcel Send has four main steps. Each step is explained in more detail below.

Step one: Create a shipment

  1. Add a shipment by clicking + New and choosing Shipment.
  2. Check that your Sender details are correct. These are the details linked to your account. If you’ve created alternative business details, use the drop down menu to select the sender.

3. Enter the recipient details.

4. Enter any Delivery instructions and references. These will be printed on your label.

5. Enter your parcel details. If you have more than one parcel type, click Add another parcel.
Tip: If you’re sending more than one parcel with the same packaging type, weight and dimensions, go to Settings > Preferences and turn on Parcel quantity. This lets you enter the details for one parcel, and then specify how many identical parcels you’d like to add to the shipment.

6. Specify whether or not your shipment contains dangerous goods.

7. Enter the amount of Transit cover you’d like for this shipment.

8. Choose your shipping method.

9. Click Save shipment. Your saved shipment will appear on the Shipments page in the Prepare & Print tab.
Tip: If you’re ready to print your labels, click Save & print labels. Once you print your label your shipment will appear on the Shipments page in the Ready to Despatch tab.

Step two: Print your labels

Print labels for a single shipment

  1. On the Shipments page, click the printer icon to the right of the shipment. Your label/s will print, and your shipments will be moved to the Ready to despatch tab.

Print labels for multiple shipments

  1. Tick the checkbox next to each shipment you want to print labels for.
  2. Click Print labels. Your labels will print, and your shipments will be moved to the Ready to despatch tab

Step three: Despatch and print a manifest summary

  1. On the Shipments page, click the Ready to despatch tab.
  2. Tick the checkbox next to each shipment, then click Despatch. The Despatch summary screen will appear.

3. Check that all the details in your despatch summary are correct, then click Manifest & print to print your Manifest summary (called an Order Summary Report).
Once you print your Manifest summary, your shipment is moved to Past shipments.

To reprint a manifest summary:

  1. Go to Past shipments to find the relevant shipment. You can use the search bar to find older shipments.
  2. Click on the manifest ID for your shipment (under Manifest details). The Manifest summary page will open.
  3. Click Reprint manifest.

Step four: Send your shipment

You’ve told Parcel Send that you’re despatching your shipment, now you’re ready to physically despatch it.

Attach your labels securely to your parcels, and make sure to include your manifest summary with your shipment.

Depending on your contract and your business you can either:

  • wait for your regular pickup if you have one
  • contact your lodgement facility to arrange an ad-hoc or recurring pickup, or
  • drop your shipment off at the lodgement facility shown on your manifest.  

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