Note: Favourite parcels are not available for On Demand accounts.

If you regularly send parcels with the same size and weight, you don’t need to enter the details every time. Instead, create a ‘Favourite parcel’ and select it from a dropdown list when you create a new shipment (Australia Post and StarTrack), or a new return or transfer (StarTrack only).

You can also set a favourite parcel as a Shipment default to save you even more time.

You can create up to 20 favourite parcels.

To create a favourite parcel

  1. Go to Settings and choose Favourite parcels.
  2. Click +New favourite parcel.
  3. Choose a nickname for your parcel so you’ll recognise it, then choose the packaging type (StarTrack only), and enter the weight (optional) and dimensions and click Save.

To delete a favourite parcel

  1. Go to Settings and choose Favourite parcels.
  2. Click the trash can icon to the right of the parcel.

To set a favourite parcel as a shipment default

  1. Go to Settings and click Shipments.
  2. Under How would you like to add your parcel details? select Use a favourite parcel, then choose the parcel from the dropdown list. 
  3. Click Save.

Using a favourite parcel when creating a shipment, return, or transfer

You can use a favourite parcel for shipments (Australia Post and StarTrack), and for returns and transfers (StarTrack only).

  1. Create a new shipment, return or transfer. 
  2. In the Parcel details section, choose the parcel from the dropdown list.

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