Being safe everywhere
Our vision is for zero injuries, zero harm to anyone and zero tolerance of unsafe acts or workplaces. And it's our reminder every day that safety starts with each of us.
For us, safety is a core value. To put it simply, we'll always prioritise safety - no matter what. And we've got robust safety programs, training, policies, management plans and plenty of other resources in place to make sure everything's covered.
Here are just a few examples of how we've got safety covered:

In Australia, three posties are injured in motor vehicle accidents every workday. One injury or near-miss is one too many, so we’re asking the public to be alert, slow down and remove distractions when driving.
Top tips to avoid accidents:
- Put your mobile phone out of reach when driving
- Slow down when approaching roundabouts
- Use your mirrors and check your blind sports for motorcycles and cyclists before turning or changing lanes
- When reversing out of your driveway, toot your horn and move slowly
- Keep your dog confined to your property
- Keep your dog on a leash when off your property
More information:
Get in touch
If you notice a safety-related incident involving any aspect of our operations that you think we should be made aware of, please let us know.
Contact us via the Customer Contact Centre on 13 11 18.