The McLeary family
A 3-year-old with an ear infection is a challenge at the best of times. Even more so the day before a flight back home from Bali.
"We thought the policy was excellent value for money and it gave us everything we needed when travelling with small children."
Amanda and Robert
Serious injury a long way from home: Amanda fractures her spine during a cycling tour of Italy.
"[The nurses] were knowledgeable, they were sympathetic, they showed empathy, their bedside manner was most impressive and they gave practical advice."
When gastro and heatstroke strike in Fiji, Katherine calls in a panic. She needs to get her young kids on the plane home in 2 days.
"I will never get travel insurance with anyone but Australia Post now - they were marvellous."
Limits, sub-limits, conditions, exclusions and fees apply. Policies may not be available to all travellers. Australian Postal Corporation (ABN 28 864 970 579, AR No 338646) is the distributor of Australia Post Travel Insurance and is an Authorised Representative of Australia Post Services Pty Ltd (ABN 67 002 599 340 AFSL 457551). Travel insurance products are underwritten by Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ABN 13 000 296 640, AFSL 232507). Consider your financial situation, needs and objectives and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination before deciding to buy this insurance. For more information on these products, please contact us on 1300 728 015, email