How to help reduce the risk of burglars targeting your home
Improve your home security and help deter burglars from targeting your home in five easy steps.

Always lock your doors and windows
One way to help deter burglars from targeting your home is to ensure you always lock your windows and doors. This includes back doors and non-street-facing windows. If you have standard doors, consider upgrading to a thicker, sturdier model. You could also invest in a deadbolt for an extra lock option. Consider mounting your doors and windows with non-removable screws.1 Sometimes burglars are opportunistic, however, a locked door could be enough to deter someone from targeting your home.
Install visible security cameras
Visible security cameras can be a deterrent for burglars. A study in the UK that consulted with former burglars found cameras to be one of the biggest deterrents for burglary.2 These days, there are many affordable security cameras on the market, meaning many people can buy one to install at their home. Just seeing that a security camera is there may be enough to deter someone from breaking into your house.
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Install motion sensor lights
Another product that may help protect your house from potential break-ins is a motion sensor light. A motion sensor light can detect when somebody is moving around your yard or outside your home, providing a deterrent for those who wish to sneak about unnoticed. Sensor lights can be installed at the back of your home, along your driveway, and at entryways.
Break up packaging from gifts and valuables
Leaving packaging from that brand-new smart TV you just bought next to your bin can be an indicator that you have an expensive new product in your home! Instead of moving the box out onto the street in one piece, break it down into smaller pieces to easily place it inside a bin. This applies to any expensive product boxes, including computers, mobile phones, power tools, jewellery, and gaming systems.
Protect your home while you’re away
Don’t forget about your home while you’re on holiday! While you might be enjoying new sights or soaking up a little sun, your home will still be sitting there, empty. An obvious empty home can be appealing to burglars, so do your best to make it seem like people are still around. Consider having a friend or neighbour pop by to pick up your mail, so it looks like someone is still present on the property.
While it is good to put house security measures in place to deter burglary, sometimes things can happen to the most secure homes. It’s important to have protections in place in the event a burglary does occur. Australia Post offers Home and Contents Insurance policies to cover your personal items against theft and a range of other circumstances beyond your control.
Australia Post home and motor insurance is issued and underwritten by QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited (ABN 78 003 191 035, AFSL 239545) (QBE). Australian Postal Corporation (ABN 28 864 970 579, AR No: 338646) is an authorised representative of Australia Post Services Pty Limited (ABN 67 002 599 340, AFSL 457551) which is acting (under its own AFSL) on behalf of QBE. Any advice provided is general only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and may not be right for you. To decide if this product is right for you, please read the relevant Combined Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statement, and Target Market Determination. Any reference to value and competitiveness refers to an average market segment and may not include your specific circumstances.