Video: Sunlight shines through leafy branches. In a country town, people walk towards a traditional building. A woman with long dark hair follows a garden path past a wood house. She reads a postcard that features an Australia Post logo. Text: "Nanna Moller, Postcard Recipient".
Audio: Nanna: I was walking in to my house and I checked my mailbox. I saw there was a postcard in there and turned it around and read it immediately and it said, "Hi, Nanna, I just wanted you to know that I really value our friendship and I was thinking of you and..." It's hard to put into words, like, just that makes you feel. It just made me feel connected and valued.
Video: A document features a Beyond Blue logo. Text onscreen: "Australia Post and Beyond Blue are working together to reach millions of Australians with important mental health information and to encourage connection." A woman writes on a postcard that has been torn from the document along a perforated line. The postcard features colourful artwork of a fairy wren perched on a flowering plant. A dark-haired woman sits near an Australia Post banner. Text: "Nicky Tracey, General Manager, Community & Stakeholder Engagement, Australia Post."
Audio: Nicky: This initiative aims to raise awareness of mental health support and encourages people to take simple actions to look after their mental wellbeing, such as connecting with others to share a thought, a memory or a story.
Video: Nanna sticks the postcard on her fridge. One side has the heading 'When we connect, we feel better' above advice and contact details from Beyond Blue and Australia Post. A woman wearing a Beyond Blue butterfly logo on her blue blazer sits near a Beyond Blue banner. Text: "Georgie Harman, Chief Executive Officer, Beyond Blue." Sitting with a boy and an older woman, a man writes a postcard. He slips it into a post box.
Audio: Georgie: One in three Australians report feeling lonely and that's in a world and at a time where we've never been more connected digitally. But there's some disconnection between how we're living our lives and actually how we're feeling about our lives.
Video: In a town hall, a woman wearing red glasses writes at a communal table. She posts it in a little cardboard post box that sits on a table among Beyond Blue leaflets, wristbands and postcards. Text: "Jenny Holt, Community Member, Lockington."
Audio: Jenny: I wrote three postcards today to three close friends. So I'm just trying to connect with them because I haven't seen much of them lately. I hope they're going OK.
Video: In a post office, a blonde woman hands a Beyond Blue postcard to the worker behind the counter. A woman wearing an Australia Post name badge stands in a post office. Text: "Monica Bramley, Postal Manager, Church St Traralgon Business Centre."
Audio: Monica: It gives us a sense of joy to be able to offer this opportunity to families to be able to reach out and send letters and to touch somebody that might need a little pick-up.
Video: A postie stows a bundle of the postcards into a fluorescent yellow Australia Post carrier. He rides his motorbike from a car park. A man in an orange Australia Post safety shirt stands near shelves of boxes. Text: "Brett Eddy, Postal Delivery Coordinator, Australia Post."
Audio: Brett: Each year, we get a mailout with a postcard, and straightaway I see a difference in the staff. They get enjoyment out of delivering these postcards to...just to customers.
Video: A postie in yellow safety gear rides her bike to a letterbox and delivers a postcard. A man and boy examine a postcard. One side of the postcard has mirrored images of the fairy wren. On the other side, the top half has advice from Beyond Blue, and the bottom half has space to write. A woman wearing a Beyond Blue butterfly on her white blazer stands near a Beyond Blue banner. Text: "Nina Azzopardi, Head of People & Culture, Beyond Blue."
Audio: Nina: Connection is really important to maintaining good mental health. I think this campaign serves as a reminder to all of us that it's just so easy to send a postcard, just remind somebody that they're important to us, and that's really important to mental health.
Video: In a town hall, a banner has the words "When we connect, we feel better" above the Australia Post and Beyond Blue logos. At communal tables, people have morning tea and write postcards.
Audio: Georgie: With the high rates of mental health challenges and loneliness in Australia, this initiative is all about a meaningful way, a practical way, for people to show their support and connect with the people that they care about.
Video: Sitting on a garden bench, Nanna smiles as she holds her postcard. Text: "99% of people surveyed that sent the card said it had a positive effect on them." Standing by his motorbike, a postie smiles as he holds a postcard. Text: "Since the beginning of the partnership between Australia Post and Beyond Blue, over 16 million prepaid postcards have been distributed with a focus on regional and rural homes across Australia."
On the left half of the screen, the Australia Post logo appears on a red background. On the right half of the screen, the Beyond Blue logo and the words "Proud partner" appear on a white background.