We're aiming to double koala numbers
We're aiming to double koala numbers

We're committed to reducing our environmental impact and supporting the transition to a more sustainable future.
We’ve partnered with World Wide Fund for Nature Australia (WWF-Australia),1 to protect and restore the homes of the koala.
Together, we aim to double koala numbers across eastern Australia by 2050.
Koalas at a critical crossroads
Koalas at a critical crossroads

While the koala is the quintessential Australian animal, it sadly is facing a crisis as an endangered species.
In 2022, the koala on Australia’s east coast were officially listed as an endangered species, after dramatic population decline. Habitat destruction, climate change and extreme weather events including bushfires and floods have had a significant impact on koalas.
WWF-Australia is working tirelessly to turn this tragedy around and Australia Post is joining them to protect and restore the homes of a great Aussie icon - the koala.
How we’re supporting koala conservation with WWF-Australia
How we’re supporting koala conservation with WWF-Australia

Awareness-raising stamp series
Awareness-raising stamp series
In August 2024, we launched the Koalas In Danger stamp series to raise awareness of the regions where koalas are officially listed as endangered.

Educational resources for teachers
Educational resources for teachers
Australia Post and WWF-Australia have created a series of lesson plans to work with the Australian curriculum. Designed by educational not-for-profit organisation Cool.org, the lessons educate students about the importance of protecting koalas from the threats that are pushing them to extinction.

Say g'day to Pip the Koala!
Say g'day to Pip the Koala!
Pip encourages everyone to take small steps to deliver a better tomorrow through environmental awareness. One small koala can't change the world, but Pip knows that together, we can make a big difference.
For every Pip the Koala toy sold, we'll donate $2 to WWF-Australia to help protect and restore the homes of Australia’s koalas.3
Pip the Koala toys are available online and in-store at participating Post Offices nationwide while stock lasts.
Donate to WWF-Australia
Donate to WWF-Australia

Your donation will help WWF-Australia to:
- build a network of new wildlife and koala hospitals
- replant and restore koala habitat - connecting a network of wildlife corridors along the east coast to allow koalas to move freely and easily through fragmented landscapes.
- support landowners to manage their properties for their natural values to provide a safe haven for koalas.

Stay up to date with the latest community stories
We’re sharing the stories that bring our community partnerships and programs to life.
1 World Wildlife Foundation Australia (WWF-Australia) (ABN 57 001 594 074) Suite 3.01, Level 3/45 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000. wwf.org.au
2 For each Pip the Koala (plush) sold, $2 will be donated by Australia Post (Australian Postal Corporation, ABN 28 864 970 579, 111 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, auspost.com.au) to WWF-Australia (ABN 57 001 594 074, Suite3.01, Level 3/45 Clarence St, Sydney NSW, wwf.org.au) to help restore and protect the habitats our koalas and Australian wildlife call home. Campaign commences 15 May, while stock lasts.
3 These lesson plans have been developed with Cool Australia.