Check our destination guide for postal restrictions and requirements
The following items are prohibited from importation, meaning they won't be allowed to enter the destination country, territory or region.
To check which items are considered dangerous and prohibited for sending from Australia, download our Prohibited and Restricted item list and packaging guide (1.1MB).
- Abestos
- Alcohol
- Animals and animal products
- Bullion and Currency
- Batteries
- Cash
- Cereals and their derivatives
- Chemicals and pharmaceutical products
- Clothing, used
- Cocoa and coffee
- Colombian stamps
- Cork
- Cosmetics and soap Fats, oils, derivatives of oils
- Dental amalgams
- Flour and flour products
- Foodstuffs
- Fruit and vegetables
- Fuel
- Hosiery and textiles
- Meat
- Milk and milk products
- Pornography
- Plants and parts of plants
- Products containing dry ice
- Precious and coloured metals
- Precious stones
- Preservatives and perishables
- Publications of a communist or atheist character
- Raw cotton
- Saccharine
- Silver items
- Spices
- Tea
- Toys representing arms
- Weapons
- Varnishes and paints
- Wax
- Weapons
Colombia does not accept ordinary and registered letters containing articles subject to customs duty.
Perfume is prohibited under International Express.
All types of batteries and devices containing them (e.g. laptops, mobile phones, wireless headphones and equivalent, power banks, tablets, etc.) are prohibited from being sent via International Express.
All types of medications are prohibited from being sent via International Express:
- Non doctor prescribed e.g. Panadol
- Pharmacy only e.g. labelled with pharmacy and recipient name
- Doctor prescribed e.g. asthma puffer, insulin tablets/needle, heart medications
- Controlled/illegal e.g. Morphine, Methadone, Hemp Seed Oil, Cannabinoids
Import restrictions
If an item is subject to import restrictions, it means that provisions must be met before it will be released from customs in the destination country, territory or region.
We recommend you confirm import restrictions with local authorities before posting:
Import restrictions apply to many types of goods. Senders should determine restrictions from Colombian authorities. The Colombian Customs Administration (DIAN) has advised that items not accompanied by a complete declaration of contents and value are liable to be seized.
- Agricultural and vegetable products
- Medicines, prescription and non-prescription
- Grain samples
- Hygiene products
- Parts, machine and electrical
- Personal effects
- Plant products, plants and seeds
- Soil samples
- Tobacco
- Textile articles
a) The value of an item’s contents may not exceed 1,000
b) Items may not contain more than six units pertaining to the same category.
EDN’s and export permits are required for:
- Kangaroo skins
- Crocodile skins
- Emu oil
- Fish oil
- Bunker oil
- Coal
- Petroleum bases products
- Tobacco and tobacco products
- Any other alcohol including beer and spirits all volumes.
Okay to send? Send responsibly.
As the sender, it's your responsibility to make sure your items don't break any laws or rules – both within Australia and in the destination country.
Restrictions and conditions can change at short notice so the information on this page should be used as a guide only. For the latest information, you should check the UPU prohibitions & restrictions (PDF 3.2MB) or contact the destination country's customs, postal trade or government authority.
It's also your responsibility to check if the destination country imposes any duties, taxes, brokerage fees or any other fees on the item you're sending. If you're unsure, please contact the consulate office of the destination country.
Special documentation
In addition to our customs forms, authorities in the destination country, territory or region require further documentation for some items.
A commercial invoice, numbered, certified and signed by the sender must accompany each package containing books and periodicals of a commercial nature.
All parcels and EMS items are inspected by Colombia’s Anti-Narcotics Police. Before they are inserted into bags, any boxes or envelopes that have been opened are closed by means of tape bearing the official "Servicios Postales Nacionales" logo. This operation is executed with great care and without damage to the contents, in order to prevent the exportation of narcotics by post.
The sender and receiver details must be addressed with a valid street address in English. A Post Office Box address is not acceptable.
The sender is responsible for finding if the destination country may impose duties, taxes, brokerage fees or any other fees that may be applied on the item that is being sent. Please contact the consulate office of the country you are sending to or contact the Australia Post Customer Contact Centre on 13 76 78.
Delivery locations & exclusions
Before sending to this destination, it’s worth noting a few more details about our international delivery services.
Delivery locations & exclusions data (Personal)
- International Express (carried via the EMS network) - Parcels delivers only to the places shown
International Express - Parcels does not deliver to a Post Office Box or Poste Restante.
- Abejorral
- Abrego
- Acacias
- Agua De Dios
- Aguachica
- Aguadas
- Aguazul
- Albania
- Alcala
- Algeciras
- Amaga
- Amalfi
- Anaime
- Analoima
- Anapoima
- Andalucia
- Andes
- Anserma
- Ansermanuevo
- Apartado
- Apiay
- Apulo
- Aquitania
- Aracataca
- Aranzazu
- Arauca
- Arauguita
- Arboletas
- Arcabuco
- Arjona
- Armenia
- Ayapel
- Bahia Solano
- Baranoa
- Barbosa
- Barrancabermeja
- Barrancas
- Barranquilla
- Bayunca
- Becerril
- Belen
- Belen De Umbria
- Belencito
- Bello
- Boavita
- Bogota
- Bogota Cajica
- Bogota Centro
- Bogota Chia
- Bogota Cota
- Bogota Facatativa
- Bogota Funza
- Bogota Madrid
- Bogota Soacha
- Bogota Tocancipa
- Bogota Zipaquira
- Bogotoa Sopo
- Bojaca
- Bolivar
- Borbur
- Bosconia
- Boyaca
- Briceno
- Bucaramanga
- Buena Vista
- Buenaventura
- Buenavista
- Buenos Aires
- Buga
- Bugalagrande
- Cacaotal
- Cachipay
- Caicedonia
- Cajamarca
- Cajica
- Calamar
- Calarca
- Caldas, Antioquia
- Cali
- Cali Caloto
- Cali Centro
- Cali Palmira
- Calima Darien
- Caloto, Cauca
- Campeche
- Campo Alegre
- Campo De La Cruz
- Campohermoso
- Candelaria
- Caqueza
- Carepa
- Carmen De Apicala
- Cartagena
- Cartago
- Castilla La Nueva
- Caucasia
- Cerete
- Cerinza
- Cerromatoso
- Chaparral
- Chicoral
- Chigorodo
- Chima
- Chimichagua
- Chinacota
- Chinauta
- Chinavita
- Chinchina
- Chinu
- Chipaque
- Chiquinquira
- Chiriguana
- Chiscas
- Chita
- Chitaraque
- Chivata
- Choachi
- Choconta
- Cicuco
- Cienaga
- Cienaga De Oro
- Cimitarra
- Circasia
- Cisneros
- Cocuy
- Codazzi
- Cogua
- Combita
- Convencion
- Copacabana
- Corozal
- Covenas
- Cubarral
- Cucaita
- Cucuta
- Cumaral
- Curumani
- Dagua
- Distraccion
- Don Matias
- Doradal
- Dos Quebradas
- Duitama
- El Banco
- El Bordo
- El Carmen De Bolivar
- El Centro
- El Cerrito
- El Copey
- El Dificil
- El Doncello
- El Dovio
- El Espinal
- El Espino
- El Paujil
- El Penol
- El Playon
- El Retiro
- El Rodadero
- El Tambo
- El Zuila
- Filandia
- Firavitoba
- Flandes
- Florencia
- Florida
- Floridablanca
- Fomeque
- Fonseca
- Fresno
- Frontino
- Fuente De Oro
- Fundacion
- Fusagasuga
- Gacheta
- Gaira
- Galapa
- Galeras
- Gamarra
- Gameza
- Garagoa
- Garzon
- Genova
- Gigante
- Ginebra
- Girardot
- Girardota
- Giron
- Granada
- Guacamayas
- Guacari
- Guaduas
- Guamal
- Guamo
- Guapi
- Guarme
- Guarunocito
- Guasca
- Guateque
- Guayabal
- Guayataa
- Guepsa
- Guican
- Gumal
- Hatonuevo
- Honda
- Ibague
- Ipiales
- Itagui
- Itsmina
- Iza
- Jamundi
- Jardin
- Jenesano
- Jerico
- Juan De Acosta
- Juan Mina
- La Apartada
- La Calera
- La Ceja
- La Dorada
- La Estrella
- La Florida
- La Gloria
- La Hormiga
- La Jagua De Ibirico
- La Mesa
- La Paz
- La Plata
- La Tebaida
- La Union
- La Uvita
- La Vega
- La Victoria
- La Virginia
- Lebrija
- Lerida
- Leticia
- Libano
- Lorica
- Los Patios
- Magangue
- Mahates
- Maicao
- Malaga
- Malambo
- Manati
- Manaure
- Manizales
- Maria La Baja
- Marinina
- Mariquita
- Marsella
- Medellin
- Medellin Caldas
- Medellin Centro
- Medellin Envigado
- Medellin Itagui
- Medellin Mandaue
- Medellin Sabaneta
- Medellin Ve
- Melgar
- Mesitas Del Colegio
- Miraflores
- Mitu
- Mocoa
- Momil
- Mompox
- Moniquira
- Monitos
- Montelibano
- Montenegro
- Monteria
- Monterrey
- Mosquera
- Motavita
- Muzo
- Natagaima
- Nazareth
- Necocli
- Neira
- Neiva
- Nemocon
- Nobsa
- Nuevo Colon
- Obando
- Ocana
- Oiba
- Oicata
- Orito
- Ortega
- Otanche
- Ovejas
- Pachavita
- Pacho
- Pacora
- Paez
- Pailitas
- Paipa
- Palermo
- Palmira
- Pampiona
- Pamplona
- Panqueba
- Pasto
- Pauna
- Paz De Ariporo
- Paz De Rio
- Pelaya
- Pereira
- Pesca
- Piedecuesta
- Piendamo
- Pijao
- Piojo
- Pitalito
- Planeta Rica
- Plato
- Polo Nuevo
- Popayan
- Pradera
- Providencia
- Pueblo Nuevo
- Puente Boyaca
- Puente Nacional
- Puero Inirida
- Puerto Asis
- Puerto Berrio
- Puerto Bogota
- Puerto Boyaca
- Puerto Carreno
- Puerto Colombia
- Puerto Lequizamo
- Puerto Lopez
- Puerto Salgar
- Puerto Tejada
- Puerto Triunfo
- Puerto Wilches
- Purificacion
- Purisima
- Quibdo
- Quimbaya
- Quinchia
- Ramiriqui
- Raquira
- Restrepo
- Ricaurte
- Rio De Oro
- Rio Frio
- Rio Negro
- Riohacha
- Rionegro
- Riosucio
- Roldanillo
- Rovira
- Sabana De Torres
- Sabana Larga
- Sabanagrande
- Saboya
- Sachica
- Sahagun
- Salamina
- Saldana
- Salento
- Samaca
- Sampues
- San Agustin
- San Alberto
- San Andres De Sotavento
- San Andres Island
- San Antero
- San Antonio Del Prado
- San Antonio Del Tequendama
- San Bernardo
- San Bernardo Del Viento
- San Diego
- San Gil
- San Jacinto
- San Jose De Pare
- San Jose Del Guaviare
- San Juan De Nepomuceno
- San Luis De Gaceno
- San Marcos
- San Martin
- San Mateo
- San Onofre
- San Pedro
- San Pedro Uraba
- San Pelayo
- San Rafael
- San Vicente Del Caguan
- Santa Catalina
- Santa Maria
- Santa Marta
- Santa Rosa
- Santa Rosa De Cabal
- Santa Rosa De Osos
- Santa Rosa De Viterbo
- Santafe
- Santana
- Santander De Quilichao
- Santandercito
- Santo Tomas
- Santuario
- Sardinata
- Sevilla
- Siachoque
- Sibate
- Silvania
- Since
- Sincelejo
- Soata
- Socorro
- Sogamoso
- Soledad
- Somondoco
- Sonson
- Sora
- Soraca
- Sotaquira
- Suan
- Supia
- Susacon
- Sutamarchan
- Sutatenza
- Tabio
- Taganga
- Tamesis
- Tasajera
- Tauramena
- Tenjo
- Tenza
- Tibana
- Tibasosa
- Tibito
- Tierralta
- Timana
- Timbio
- Tinjaca
- Tipacoque
- Toca
- Tocaima
- Togui
- Toledo
- Tolu
- Tolu Viejo
- Trujillo
- Tubara
- Tuchin
- Tulua
- Tumaco
- Tunja
- Tuquerres
- Turbaco
- Turbo
- Turmeque
- Tuta
- Ubala
- Ubaque
- Ubate
- Umbita
- Uribia
- Urrao
- Usiaquri
- Valencia
- Valledupar
- Velez
- Venadillo
- Ventaquemada
- Versalles
- Villa De Leiva
- Villa Del Rosario
- Villa Maria
- Villajulia
- Villanueva
- Villapinzon
- Villarica
- Villavicencio
- Villeta
- Viota
- Viracacha
- Viterbo
- Yarumal
- Yati
- Yopal
- Yotoco
- Yumbo
- Zambrano
- Zapatoca
- Zarzal
- Zipacon
- Zipaquira
- International Express - Letters service available on a non-guaranteed basis
- International Registered Post
Colombia pays compensation only in case of total loss, total theft or destruction of the article.
For more information from the overseas carrier, check the El servicio de envios de Colombia website.