Over 13 million postal addresses at your fingertips

Our Postal Address File is the most complete and current postal address database in Australia, helping your business to:

  • reduce call times and website registration drop-off with address capture
  • decrease print and send costs and increase return on investment by reducing undeliverable mail
  • increase acquisition rates by targeting all possible households in a given area
  • pass compliance quality and database format checks
  • achieve operational efficiency through address-based pricing and service delivery

Address validation

Accurate addressing keeps you in touch with your customers, improves customer experience and retention and may reduce costs by lowering wastage.

Validate your customer address information against our Postal Address File, ensuring that the address information is complete and captured correctly.

Raw address file

You can integrate our raw address file data into your systems or manipulate over 13 million records to help create a single customer view using the Delivery Point Identifier (DPID).

Postcode data

Australia Post's postcode data file is the most accurate and up-to-date list of postcodes in Australia.

Included is every known postcode, along with state, territory and locality information. The file is free for personal use or to purchase as a licence for commercial purposes.